How to migrate a WordPress site

Introduction How we will migrate a WordPress site in matter of minutes. I have moved WordPress web sites a thousand times or more, most of the time I moved WordPress sites the old school way. That means moving the websites to a new host or server manually. I also used...

How to install openlitespeed on GCP console

I wanted to test with an Openlitespeed web server with WordPress. I have tried it out and decided to keep the web server. I’ll briefly explain why and how you can install one too. I regularly play with web servers and every now and then I come across something...

Add a Divi header section to the top of your Single Post Pages

Introduction Lets keep it simple and short, visitors reading this article already are familiar with the Divi Theme Builder & WordPress. How do I add a Divi section to the single.php file? Copy the Divi single.php to the root of your child theme. Add a new test...

Cloudflare firewall rules for WordPress

On the free plan, Cloudflare grants five firewall rules. By adding WordPress-specific Cloudflare firewall rules, you can secure your site and block attacks before they even reach your server. Cloudflare firewall rules wordpress There are many tips, guides and...